Monday, September 29, 2008


Today I had the rare privilege of rocking Annie down for her nap ...peacefully, quietly and without interruption.

This was a gift. A treasured moment in the middle of a crazy day. And it totally filled me up at a time when my well was feeling a bit empty.

Thank you, Universe.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Going Home

We were making our final approach into the vast (ha!) Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, Liam next to me having a whiny conversation with his blankie and kicking the seat of the poor man in front of him, when the outlying suburbs, downtown skyline and finally the familiar streets of my old "hood came into view. My eyes immediately welled with tears. Home.

I moved away from my hometown 11 years ago and my reaction upon returning is always the same: relief. Sweet, happy relief. The nature of that relief has evolved over the years. When I first moved away to start my adult life so far from family and friends, coming home meant reconnecting with the people who knew and loved me best, visiting old haunts and laughing over stories from the past. As a newlywed, it pretty much meant the same thing, only bringing my husband along so he could begin to know and love the same people and places that I did. And now as a mother, it means coming back to a place where I am, and always will be, someone's child. Where there are people to care for me while I care for my own little people. And after this particular journey (more on that later), I could feel my whole body relax at the sight of the runway rushing up to greet us. Sweet relief.

Being home brings with it the wonderful comfort of familiarity. The city has grown like mad since I moved away, there are places I don't recognize and I have accidentally driven past my parent's house more times than I care to admit. But the sense of it is still the same. The air is familiar, the people familiar, the smell of my parents house familiar. All giving me the sense that even though the kid's schedules are out of whack, the time change is messing with them, they aren't sleeping like they usually do, even though, in a sense, life is a little bit harder right now, everything will be just fine because there are a hundred hands to help along the way. It's always a happy surprise when I am doing what I usually do with the kids, feeding, reading, bathing, playing, schlepping, and my mom or dad speaks up and says "here, let me". It's like having your alarm go off at the crack of dawn, struggling awake, then realizing "hey, I don't have to go to work today", rolling over and going back to sleep all cozied up under the covers. The relaxed and peaceful sleep of knowing you don't have to do it all today.

Welcome home.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

She's Just Not Good With Names

Front yard, Annie and I lying on a blanket, Liam standing his typical 3 feet away, keeping the self-imposed baby perimeter intact.

Annie: (looking at Liam) "squeal, coo, gurgle, screech, goo"

Liam: "Why did she say (insert dead on impersonation of Annie's jibber jabber) at me?"

Me: "She is saying, Hi Liam, what are you playing with?"

Liam: (with a look of great disdain) " My name isn't
(insert dead on impersonation of Annie's jibber jabber) , it's Liam".

Me: "It's hard for her to say your name right now, she's just learning."

(long pause....I think I even saw him roll his eyes)

Liam: "Well, she better practice".

(turns, walks away)


A Love Story: Annie, 4 months

What can I say? I am in love. Annie is just about the best thing goin' these days and at 4 months, I am reminded what "baby love" is all about. I could talk and play and stare at her for hours. She chatters and babbles and screeches and gurgles and laughs and smiles, smiles, smiles. She recognizes us now and I am treated to a mini Riverdance every time I walk into the room. Her little legs get kicking and she wiggles with delight. It is incredibly endearing. She is so loud. Crazy loud. So loud that we have to rush her into our bedroom to change her when she wakes at night because she has woken Liam with her hoots and hollers. And that is through a wall, a fan and a white noise machine. I guess she figures that's just about the only way to get heard around here. She'd be right. I used to worry about how Liam's tantrums and screaming fits would affect her sleeping and mood, but they do not faze her, in fact, I would say that right now, they are the soundtrack to her life.

Remember that baby that cried day and night, threw up constantly and just seemed downright miserable? Gone. Gone, gone, gone. Yes, she still spits up endlessly but she has found her way back to the mellow girl we brought home from the hospital. Dare I easy baby. And I am crazy about her. All 15 lbs, 2 oz and 26 inches of her. I can't get enough of her and she can't get enough of Liam, even though he still refuses to acknowledge her existence. She's getting hard to ignore though, what with the drooly grins and cooing and gooing she makes at him. He'll be hard pressed to deny her much longer, especially since her new favorite trick is to reach out and grab his clothes. You can imagine how this thrills him.

She is just plain great and I can't believe that we have all made it this far. I think there is hope for us yet!

We all feel a bit safer with him around.....

School Days

September 8, 2008

Clearly thrilled about returning to preschool, Liam sucked it up and headed out the door. Sometimes all it takes is a cool new lunch box.

Coming Around

He handles her much like he might a dog turd, but it's a start.

Farmer Liam

So far, we have harvested 6 potatoes. A feast!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Future Olympian

August 2008

I wonder if Michael Phelps started out this way?

A little perspective

August 2008

This is will be our little Annie in a year. I'm afraid to blink..........

Mr. Fix-It

August 2008

You know you wish you hand such a hunky handyman around your house!

A Tale of Hair Loss: Annie, 3 months

Originally written August 12, 2008

When Annie was born, she looked like this:

Three months later, she is left only with this sad little comb over. We call it her Crispin Glover look (helloooo, McFly):

So, as to not delay the inevitable, I trimmed her up a bit.
And now she is all business in the front..........

.........and party in the back.

The End.

Grandma Jeanie and Grandpa Bryan Ride Again

Originally written July 26, 2008

The calvary has arrived!!!

I can't really express what a relief it is to have my mom and dad here right now. The timing is perfect. I am exhausted and in need of a break. Liam is angry and in need of attention, our garage is a mess and in need of organizing and my dad is retired and in need of tasks. Perfect.

On Becoming Four

Originally written July 20, 2008

I've been meaning to touch on this subject for some time, but I have been a bit preoccupied, what with the reflux, the fussy baby, the night waking, the impossible 3 year old and pretty much all around exhaustion happening around here these days. But no time like the present, because to be completely honest, I am really struggling.

I was worried about adding to our brood. I knew I would love this new baby, OF COURSE. Actually, "knew" is probably stretching it a bit (see here), more like assumed. Or maybe just hoped. But I didn't know what day to day life would bring. I knew that Liam's world would be rocked and right up until the day we brought our sweet baby home, I vowed that I would do everything possible to minimize the disruption in his life. Well, I am here to tell you that trying to maintain the status quo is exhausting. And impossible.

Everyone tells you that the second (and third, and fourth etc) have to learn to just go with the flow, be flexible, hop on the train that is already chugging down the tracks and hold on for dear life. And for the most part, I agree. BUT (there's always a but), what if said baby doesn't go easily, has her own ideas about what she needs and when she needs it? Right now I am in a constant struggle to balance the needs of both my babies. And up until now, Annie has been on the losing end. Don't get me wrong, she is being fed, bathed, slept and loved, loved, loved, but she has also been at the mercy of my attempts to keep her brother's life as uninterrupted as possible. It has worn us both out and I'm done. Flexibility is a two way...or rather three way street.

So here it is: "Newsflash, Liam, there is a baby in this house. She is your sister. She is sticking around. You don't have to like it but you do have to share. Now, just deal".

That should go over like a fart in church. I don't care. I have two kids to think about, not to mention a husband and a home. Tiptoeing around the fact that our lives have changed is doing nobody any good, especially not Liam. It was easy at first, when Annie sort of just lay there staring at shadows, doing the herky jerky with her arms and whacking herself in the face. But now she is becoming a person. She is letting us know the way she wants and needs things to be and she is allowed an equal voice in our family even if that mainly involves blowing raspberries and crying 20 hours a day. Liam needs to adjust to the new dynamics and he won't if we (I) don't adjust our expectations of him.

It ain't going to be easy.

I suppose that every family who welcomes siblings goes through this in some way, shape or form, especially when the first King (or Queen) is dethroned. And because I am who I am, I also suppose that most families get to this point much quicker than me. Sort of just let their firstborn know the score right out of the box and not pussy-foot around the issue this long. But I never come by anything the easy way, so I guess I needed be at the breaking point before I finally allowed myself to allow Liam to take a fall. Maybe it's because I know him so well, his sensitivity, his neediness, his irrationally strong will....I wanted to protect him and I wanted to foster a strong relationship between he and his sister. Hopefully avoiding, if not just limiting, jealousy and anger and frustration. Ha! What a joke.

So, now I am moving on with a clearer head. Liam may not like these changes, in fact, it will be a trial by fire. But in the long run, I think we will be able to reclaim something beautiful from the ashes. A family.

The Art of Ignoring

Originally written July 19, 2008

If I do not look at her, she does not exist.

All Smiles (sort of) : Annie, 2 months

Originally written July 13, 2008

Annabel saw 2 months yesterday and she is just as fat and happy as any baby could be, weighing in at a respectable 13 lbs. 3 oz and 24 inches long. Petite she is not. She is all smiles these days...well, mostly smiles...and she is completely fascinated by her big brother. I can tell you, though, the adoration is by no means mutual. Liam is slowly coming around in his own way and in his own time, but for the most part he ignores her, except for when she is impossible to ignore, like in the car (she is not such a fan of the car ride). Last week while we enduring her screams on the way to the park , Liam finally covered his ears and hollered to me from the back seat, " Mommy she's freakin' me out!!".

Yeah, you and me both, kid.

Skinny Dipping

Orginally written June 28, 2008

It's been HOT around here!

The Big Wide World of Pharmaceuticals: Annie, 6 weeks

Orginally written June 26, 2008

Oh my sweet baby bird....don't you know it's the momma's job to regurgitate the food, not yours?? Our battle with Annie's reflux continues. She is now on Prilosec and Zantac to curb her constant spewing. You would think that she would lose weight with all of this mess, but little girl actually gained 6 oz. over the past 2 weeks. Go figure.

Hero Worship

Happy Father's Day

Originally written June 15, 2008

Did you know he always wanted a girl?

Child Labor

Originally written June 14, 2008

Would it be wrong to keep him up all night doing this so Annie would stay asleep? I would totally pay him an allowance.

Miss Mount Vesuvius: Annie, 4 weeks

Originally written on June 13, 2008

Don't let the smile fool you. She is an eruption waiting to happen. This little girl spits up in epic proportions....the word projectile comes to mind. And she cries. And cries. And cries. All day. I think that maybe the Universe is playing a little trick on me by giving me these fussy, fussy, sleepless babies. Ha Ha. Hilarious.

Now seriously, make it stop.

baby bjorn as monkey holder....

June 2008

Annie's first bath - a team approach

Sometime around week 2....

So they do exist - Annie, 2 weeks

Originally written on May 30, 2008

You sleep much of the day away, and to be truthful, much of the night. We are lucky and find ourselves at a loss for things to do after 8pm given that our only other experience with parenting a newborn involved very little sleep and a great deal of crying (on everyone's part). You are that mythical creature we heard about while raising your brother......the "easy baby".