Wednesday, September 17, 2008

She's Just Not Good With Names

Front yard, Annie and I lying on a blanket, Liam standing his typical 3 feet away, keeping the self-imposed baby perimeter intact.

Annie: (looking at Liam) "squeal, coo, gurgle, screech, goo"

Liam: "Why did she say (insert dead on impersonation of Annie's jibber jabber) at me?"

Me: "She is saying, Hi Liam, what are you playing with?"

Liam: (with a look of great disdain) " My name isn't
(insert dead on impersonation of Annie's jibber jabber) , it's Liam".

Me: "It's hard for her to say your name right now, she's just learning."

(long pause....I think I even saw him roll his eyes)

Liam: "Well, she better practice".

(turns, walks away)



GMmom said...

LOL! that's freakin' hilarious.

Stephanie said...

that won't get better for a while. My 4 year old is constantly rolling his eyes at 1 year old sister who tells him for the 1,257th time that she saw Dora at the mall. I imagine they'll catch up in communication levels after they have their own children. :)