Monday, October 13, 2008

Il Parle Le Français. Qui a su ?

Liam is in love with the little French children's song "Savez-vous Planter Les Choux ?" that we have on CD in the car. Driving home today he was singing along (um, kind of) and asked me "what is a 'shay new' after the verse, "À la mode de chez nou". Cute, huh? I told him it loosely meant, "like we do". Good enough.

He then had me play it over and over and over while he sang along in his phonetic approximations of French, performed all the feet stomping, finger snapping, hand clapping and mouth noises that accompany each verse and asked me endless questions about the words he was hearing (why are they planting a shoe?). After about the 15th time, I asked him why he liked the song so much if he couldn't understand the words.

"I understand them."

"You do? They are speaking French."

"I can speak French mommy, I just decided not to do it anymore."

Indeed. Or rather, en effet.

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