Tuesday, October 7, 2008

From His Mouth To My Rear

This evening I learned the hard way that Liam equates strength with girth.

At dinner, he was transferring his food to Husband's plate, his latest avoidance tactic at meal time (which he refers to as "just sharing, mommy"), all the while saying "here daddy you need this food so you can get strong and have a big tummy like mommy so you can lift heavy stuff up up up over your head." He continued with, "it will give you big arms like mommy too so you can be strong strong".

I had to laugh. Hard. First off, well, his observations are not entirely inaccurate. And second, he is clearly quite impressed with my "strength". I have never heard my poochy belly or my flabby, flappy arms spoken about with such reverence.

However, consider this the official wake up call that it is high time for this momma to kick it into gear and maybe grow a little, um, weaker, before he starts referring to me as "the world's strongest mommy".

That would not make me laugh. At all.

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