Saturday, August 23, 2008

by way of introduction.....

I don't do scrapbooks, actually, I twitch and shake at the mere thought of all that cutting and gluing. Unfortunately, I also don't do baby books (although I should, I really should. And I will. Maybe.). What I do, is write. Everywhere, on anything, and all the time. Oh, and I take pictures. So this is my compromise....a blog. I have been writing and publishing the antics of my offspring and my ruminations about motherhood in the blogosphere since my oldest little bird was 3 months old. That was 3 years, 3 months and ummmm, 23 days ago. It is my record of when he rolled over, when he walked and when he finally started talking - oh how I rue that day. Basically, if the Internet ever ceases to exist, I am so screwed.

That first blog, home to all of those tales of woe and wonder, is still out there and my own sweet little nugget of life as a first time mom. I won't link to's all mine. However, I may re-post some of those old stories here from time to time as I reminisce about those early sink or swim days.

This blog is my record of moving forward, of closing my eyes, holding my nose and jumping back into the waters of motherhood. I meant to start it when I first found out I was pregnant with our second, but, uh, clearly time got away from me. So please, allow me to set up the present by taking a few trips back to the past with some old pieces I wrote while pregnant...........


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