Saturday, November 15, 2008

They Do Break Bread....

Overheard in the car:

Liam: What is that building?

Daddy: It's a church.

Liam: Is a church a bakery?

Mommy: Um, no, not exactly.

Liam: Do they make donuts?

Mommy: No, buddy. A church is a place where people go to worship God.

Liam: What God?

Mommy: Wellll....God created the whole world and all of the people and animals and plants and trees and oceans.

Liam: Is he a boy or a girl?

Mommy: The popular opinion is that God is a man.

Liam: Why?

Mommy: That is what the bible says, that God is a man, and we call him our Heavenly Father.

Liam: Hey look...there is a spiky stick on top of that 'chuch'.

Daddy: Uh, Liam...that's a cross.

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